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Recently it was brought to my attention through, Wendy, that there has been a consistent stream of questions from our customers on subscription control, and here are a few of the questions asked with the highest frequency:
Q: Transaction rejected with error code 1103 & 164.
A: With this new subscription control (as per MCMC guidelines), we won't return the sub_id when CP do VsdbAdd. CP will receive sub_id=N/A. The CP will need to get the sub_id from the SmsMo, which is initiated by the subscriber. Additionally, the CP needs to follow the correct format for sub_id. The format is [<subid>]. Example: Sub_id from SmsMo: 0a2JsddrqoIje7+ysOQSTg== , Sub_id CP should submit when posting MT sub_id= [0a2JsddrqoIje7+ysOQSTg, ==].
Q: CP will not receive the 'ON <subscription keyword>' MO? If yes, which MO will CP receive: 'YES <subscription keyword>', 'YES', or '<subscription keyword>'?
A: Yes, CP will not receive the 'ON <subscription keyword>' MO tom subscriber, it will only involve the subscriber and the CPA for this MO request, CP will receive the MO via SubRegMo method from CPA once the subscriber has sent the 'YES <subscription keyword>'.
Q: What is SubPlanAdd, and SubPlanUpdate used for?
A: SubPlanAdd, allows CPs to create a new subscription. While the SubPlanUpdate allows Cps to update existing subscriptions through the CPA by editing subscription details, terminating keywords, adding new keywords and others (refer to the API given for more info).
Q: Do we need to add all our keywords into CPA using this method?
A: For an existing subscriber that have subscribed for a keyword, further support will be provided during the migration process. There is a greater likelihood that the subscriber will not need to send 'ON' back to the subscriber. However, you may need to register your existing keyword using SubPlanAdd. (Note: There will be further updates regarding this matter in future, please check back periodically for updates)
Q: When will the CPA start sending reminders and renewals to subscribers? Also, how do you determine when to send the reminder for new and existing subscribers?
A: The CPA will send reminders and renewals to subscribers based on the keywords (This is depending on the subscription_bill_cycle that you have indicated through the SubPlanAdd or SubPlanUpdate). Take note that the number of days for a particular keyword is either for W=Weekly or M=Monthly subscription.
Q: Is there any impact if both the IOD (1MO&1MT) keyword and the subscription keyword are the same?
A: There is no impact IOD and Subscription Keyword are the same, because both keywords are managed using two separate methods.
Q: Does the CP need to invoke VsdbRnw since the renewal is now managed by the CPA?
A: Once the migration is completed there is no need for the CP to invoke VSDB anymore. The renewal will be controlled by the CPA. Once the renewal is completed, the CPA will send a DN Response to the CP using SubReqResp method.
Q: For the SmsMo Method, will the CP still receive a termination message?
A: If the termination is still received by the CPA, the CPA will send the termination notification to the subscriber and forward the termination request to the CP (via the SubTermMo method). If the CP updates its member records in the CP's membership database, and if the subscriber sends STOP ALL or STOP ALL SVC, then the CPA will forward one termination request for all subscriptions attached to the CP's short-code via SubTermMo method, and subsequently all keywords will then be terminated.
Q: Does the CP need to invoke VsdbTerm?
A: Upon the completion of migration, the CP will not be required to invoke VSDB anymore.
Q: How do I set a Future Date Time for an existing keyword?
A: Under the SubPlanAdd, and SubPlanUpdate features you can change sub_live_date parameters when the keywords are still not active, and the date time would be according to the new future date time. However, in the situation that your keyword has already been activated then the future date time parameter cannot be changed anymore.
Q: Can the CP set RM0.30 to the parameter: sub_reg_price_code and sub_rnw_price_code?
A: A CP cannot set RM0.30 for sub_reg_price_code & sub_rnw_price_code parameters. The CP needs to indicate in the Price Code Format for both parameters. Please refer to the API [11.3 General Price Code (page 90)].
Q: Is the parameter: sub_bill_cycle a content frequency?
A: Yes, sub_bill_cycle is the parameter that is used to determine subscription period, whether the keyword is used for M=Monthly or W=Weekly subscriptions.
Q: Does the 'SubPlanAdd and SubPlanUpdate apply for content based services or a time based subscription service or for both services?
A: Time based subscription services require the CP to implement both SubPlanAdd and SubPlanUpdate as all 1MO & Multiple MT used is required to implement these two updates.
Q: Now with new implementations do the CPs or the CPA send a successful confirmation of subscription?
A: Once the CP receives Subregmo. The CP is responsible to send Subregmt as the confirmation that the subscription has been successful and register it to the CPs database.
Q: How long does the subscriber have to respond 'YES <subscription keyword>' after they have received a reconfirmation MT from the CPA?
A: The subscriber has a 20 minute respond window before the reconfirmation MT session expires.
Q: Is there a way we can use a non-ams registration if the CPA no longer supplies us with the sub_id when VSDadd was previously used. (Where in the case where non-sms registration through VSDBadd to obtain the sub_id so that MT can be pushed to notify the user of their request and ask users to send REG <keyword> to the designated short code to confirm)
A: The CPA has implemented the new subscription control according to the new MCMC requirement. You would not receive the sub_id through the use of VSDBadd; for reasons to avoid charges of the MT using the sub_id to the subscriber without the initiation of the MO. You can only obtain the sub_id from the MO through the CPA, that has been obtained from the subscriber.
Q: Will the CPA perform a Renewal Retry in the event that there is an encounter of an error code during the renewal process?
A: The CPA will retry the following 3 days if any error is encountered on the renewal date. If the error is still encountered on the 5th day the CPA will terminate the user's subscription and forward the SubRnwResp to the CP (Eg. The expiry date is on 2012, February 2 (2/2/2012) the CPA will renew on the 1/2/2012, but if an error is encountered the CPA will retry on the 2/2/2012, 3/2/2012, 4/2/2012. If the problem still persists on the 5/2/2012 the CPA will terminate the subscriber without any retry, and only successfully terminated responses (SubRnwResp) will be forwarded to the CP.
Q: Upon successful renewal by the CPA, the DN will be returned to which URL?
A: Upon successful renewal the DN will be returned to the CP's MO URL. Where, the SubRegMt and SubSmsMt response will be forwarded to the CP's URL indicated in the response_url parameter when submitting the MT. It is suggested to use the same MO and Response URL.
Q: Can the bill cycle be changed on the Plan_ID in an active state?
A: The bill cycle cannot be updated once the subscription keyword status is active. Status for new subscription keywords are active by default. The effective date is immediate even the the plan_id is not in an active state (the CP set Plan_id to be in future date).
Q: Upon migration of the MK short Code, does the subscriber start facing Double-Opt-In Confirmation SMS from DiGi (when a subscriber sends 'ON XXX' to the MK Short C ode?
A: Yes, upon migration the subscriber will start the Double-Opt-In confirmation SMS.
Q: What happens when a user sends 'HELP' to the short code?
A: The 'HELP' sent will be immediately posted to the CP. The CPA will forward the request through SmsMo Method and the CP needs to send the 'HELP' Menu to the subscriber using the SmsMt method.
Q: Is offline DN still available through FTP after the Double-Confirmation Migration?
A: Offline DN service will continue to be available.
Q: Will the CPA only forward the MO with the following to the CP YES< >KEYWORD instead of REG < > KEYWORD?
A: Yes, the CPA will forward the MO via the SubRegMo with YES<space>KEYWORD. Additionally where the STOP service is sent, the CPA will forward through the SubTermMo.
- stop<space>keyword - will terminate the particular subscription.
- stop<space>all - will terminate all the subscription attached to the short code.
If unfortunately your question isn't listed here as part of this FAQ, rest assured our technical team is readily available to assist you. Please contact them through cvs@everworks.com and you should be attended to as soon as possible.
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