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Tuesday, 22 September 2020

Top 3 Tips for Addressing Business Pain

Once you identify the pain of your prospect you can determine what are the best ways to solve it for your prospect. This is an incredible tool to leverage on as a salesperson because the minute you can become solution-provider rather than a product-seller your customers will value your service more and closing sales will be very much easier.

Here are the top 3 tips you can implement today to address any of your prospect's business pain.

1. Use your prospect's body language and language when talking and communicating about their pain.

This is a secret technique that can go a long way in building trust with your prospect. Instead of trying to appear impressive by relying on jargon only your colleagues would understand, show your prospect you can take them seriously by using their language and terminology.

2. Find out who's empowered to solve the pain.

Find the economic buyer as quickly as possible. Ask your prospect which budget this purchase would be coming out from and what teams and investments would be needed to be involved in the buying decision. There's little point in spending hours with a person who can't ink a deal.

3. Identify additional key stakeholders as early as possible.

If you're selling to multiple teams and one team has completely differing ideas and priorities than the other you need to know this early so you can mitigate and make the necessary arrangements. Prospects are sometimes worried when they appear less authoritative so the best way to avoid that and to solve this is by asking the following questions:

  • Who besides yourself needs to be involved in this decision?
  • Who else would want to know that we have had this conversation?


Affirm your prospect's involvement while asking for information and it'll be easier to make your pitch meets everybody's requirements.


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