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Friday, 30 August 2013

Business Email - Step 2: Hosting Email.

We recently published our Business Email series to help you with your business email management strategy. As each post is posted up, we will dive deeper into each chapter to discover a better business management strategy.

So far we have discussed on which email to choose from; in-house or outsourced email. If you have decided to go for the outsourced email route it doesn't stop there, because not all outsourced emails are the same. After deciding to outsource your business email, the next step, is to find out which type of hosting you need. There is consumer and business email. Both determines the requirements or maturity of your business.

A small business might be okay with the limitations and risks of free email, provided by Google or Outlook. Ideally you want a plan that can grow with your business as your needs will change according to the performance of your business. Having to migrate data comes with all the little issues when it comes to migration, and this wastes a lot of time.

Comparing the EVERWORKS Business Email Hosting Package against Google's Email Hosting Package might bring this argument further to light. (Click the image for a larger preview)

Consider hosting your email professionally to save you future hassle, and save you time.

Tell us what you think:

  1. Is Business Email Hosting necessary?
  2. What is your experience with Google Email Hosting?

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Danbo photographed by Jenny - vmabney from Flickr | Resourced from Rackspace


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